OK, here we go. The real NawtyAU, uncut.
One, I don't work at a fish and chip shop, I am a social worker for an excellent community service. I do not speak about it, played it down, because of the views held by some about my type of work. i work with those who are disadvantaged for varying reasons, mostly with those who have mental health problems. it is my job to get them back into a semblence of normal life in society. I support, mentor and guide people back to a decent life. i have worked there for quite some time. I did help out a very good friend of mine that does own a fish and chip shop, also a Kiwi mate that owns a sandwich bar, but that was for love not money. I did do a stint at Juninga Centre as Admin, I took a small break from my Social work, then promptly went back to it, after my 3 month contract ended. It was hard being there, seeing what i did and being powerless to help the residents, especially when i saw some of them being mistreated, and one in particular who was called a liar by all the staff when she said she was having memory problems, feeling very unwell, by the time someone actually took notice after i left, it was too late, her cancer was beyond treatment, and that was devestating to me, since i had said to many, she was ILL, not putting it on as some said.
Yobbo and i own our own home, and a successful business, that yobbo runs from home, we all pitch in and help. So that much is true.
I do have 4 children, but i have not been married twice, actually 3 times. The first time was a very brief mistake, to my eldest girls Dad, it did not last, he was unfaithful, the kicker was when I found out when i was 3 months preg with what was then twins, another girl was preg to him at the same time. I nearly miscarried both babies, sadly one twin did die, the boy, but i had a healthy little girl 5 months later. Peter was the only one of my kids to be born illegitimate, because I was scared shitless of history repeating. But i married him when Peter was 4 months old, his birth cert was then ammended, so in the eyes of the law, he is legitimate. So calling my children bastards is slanderous. Not to mention a lie.
I have survived Cancer, and have been lucky enough to be what they term cured, as my 5 years was up in 2002.
I was born in NZ, but lived in Aussie from age 3 until 5, my mother wanted us educated back in her home country. My father is Australian born and bred. I have the right to have an australian birth cert, because my father is Aussie, and he was only out of the country from 1968 until 1973. I have been entitled to dual citizenship, but being honest, I did the residency thing, because I did not feel right about just taking something because of my Dad's Aussie citizenship. So i went through all the right channels, instead of taking the easy way. Why? because up until 2003, I considered NZ to be my home, my country. It would be a lie to just take something because I just happened to have been born to an Aussie citizen.
I chose not to reveal fuck all really. I am glad i did not, after seeing most of the scorn, sneering, snide remarks by some people, the judging, assumptions, based on my style of posting, about things I did chose to share, I felt it best to keep a lot of my real life to myself.
I have been to hell and back for many years, shit that should not happen to people, but does. I cam out fairly intact. A lot of the shit was caused by my own family, hence why i am closer to my in-laws, that i love dearly. The only things i considered to be worth anything in my life, were and still are, my children, my education, my work, and it goes without saying, my Yobbo. Next to my kids, meeting, then marrying yobbo was the best thing that has ever happened to me. It made all the hard times worth it, cos it led to him.
I watch how some of you post really nice things in reply to my posts, some are genuine, some are just two faced, cos I also know what snide bullshit you spin behind my back. The last few days have been a revelation, granted it was hurtful when i did find out who some of these people are, some did not surprise me in the least.
So there you go, all the shitty remarks about my "working" at just a fish and chip shop, sorry to disillusion you, but reality is, my work was far more than that, and after seeing how some people reacted, I kept up the charade, kept everyone in the Dark. You can't use what you don't know can you now.
All my kids are legitimate, no bastards here. That did really reek, that some of you saw that crap, and thought it was funny, amusing. Attacking people's kids, all time new low.
BTW, I have worked where I am since 2004, after being in Aussie for 6 months. Or should I say, back in Aussie for 6 months.
I tell you, i am proud of the work i do. it is bloody rewarding, especially when you see people who have not been out of their house for years, take their first steps towards getting out and about. It is a loong hard battle, and i have nothing but respect and admiration for those i work with to get back on track. Like hell was i going to let that be held up to ridicule.
Along with a batchelors in Business Management, I also hold a diploma is Social work. I worked damm hard to get both, along with working whatever shitty jobs i could get, so i could get to my goal. It was a long haul, with no support or help, it took me a few years, but the day i completed both, was a bloody proud day for me. I did this, plus managed to raise 4 wonderful children, the eldest of which has just had a beautiful little boy, I have worked hard to gain my dreams, and like hell will i sit back and let some internet wankers sneer at that. Oh yeh, I am still doing my Retail diploma, mainly for the customer service modules.
I will remind certain people, this blog is PRIVATE. it is not to be copied, pasted anywhere else.
Enjoy, I know who will read this and go running back to their little friend, who will no doubt come here and say all kinds of crap. You know, let him. Cos reality here, the opinions of a non-entity, a net personage, who has nothing better to do than log on just to show what a BIG man he is, by attacking people online.
it is odd tho, it seems it is ok that he makes fun at my expense, yet if he gets back what he dishes out, he starts screaming about Lawyers etc.
I can prove EVERYTHING I have said about myself in this blog, but i will not. I do not see why i should have to justify myself to someone who has nothing better to do than harrass, threaten and try to intimidate people on the internet. Especially when the person he is attacking has had NOTHING to do with, has not said anything about, since he was put in the grinder.
Make of this what you will. Say what you will. The ONLY things i have kept quiet about, or deliberately not mentioned, has been the level of my education, the fact i have been married 3, not two times, and where I actually work. I chose to keep that illusion, not to give certain people anything they could use against me.
If some do not understand, try taking a look at how I do actually get treated by some people, and try to understand WHY I did not want to give those people ANYTHING to use against me at all.
I am taking a break from the internet for a few days, I am heading out to a remote community in the next few days, to assess clients needs, see what resources that are already available, and seeing where the gaps are, so they can be filled and start making a real difference. No doubt when i am offline, that is when the usual attacker will come on and attack my posts.
Knock yourself out, have fun at my expense, enjoy yourself. It will just prove, as it does every other time, how low you really are.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Well I thought it was time for an update
Finally it arrived, a wee bouncing baby girl. But wait, I am getting ahead of myself, let me rewind to the start of labor.
Let me take you back to Wednesday around lunch time. It was a beautiful winters day and my son's girlfriend and I were sitting around filling our mouths with some of Phil's lovely cakes. Phil makes the best pies and cakes in the whole of NSW, but if you live around here you would already know that so I will continue.
As we were chomping on cupcakes I made a little joke about how New Zealanders love fucking sheep, that's where most of them got their course curly hair from. The girlfriend let out a little giggle and I could see pee running down her leg. At this stage all I could think of saying was "the joke wasn't that funny". Then she said it, those frightful words "my waters just broke". I didn't know what to do, so I lit up a smoke and took another swig of my beer. Beer, cake and pregnancy, what would we do without them?
Well 6 longnecks and a packet of ciggies later I decided to load the little heifer into the car and take her to the hospital.
I decided to go into the labor ward with her. I don't know why I bothered, because 6 pushes later it was all over. I could have been at home watching Dr Phil and finishing off the rest of the longnecks.

You would think that was the end of my good news right? Wrong! It gets better. I got my tax cheque back and decided to get married. I have 2 grand to spend on the best wedding EVER!!! The beer will be flowing and we will be eating the best damn pies and sausage rolls in the land.
Oh, and my brother Phil is going to make me a cheese cake for the wedding cake. Does it get any better than that?
More updates on the wedding soon.
Let me take you back to Wednesday around lunch time. It was a beautiful winters day and my son's girlfriend and I were sitting around filling our mouths with some of Phil's lovely cakes. Phil makes the best pies and cakes in the whole of NSW, but if you live around here you would already know that so I will continue.
As we were chomping on cupcakes I made a little joke about how New Zealanders love fucking sheep, that's where most of them got their course curly hair from. The girlfriend let out a little giggle and I could see pee running down her leg. At this stage all I could think of saying was "the joke wasn't that funny". Then she said it, those frightful words "my waters just broke". I didn't know what to do, so I lit up a smoke and took another swig of my beer. Beer, cake and pregnancy, what would we do without them?
Well 6 longnecks and a packet of ciggies later I decided to load the little heifer into the car and take her to the hospital.
I decided to go into the labor ward with her. I don't know why I bothered, because 6 pushes later it was all over. I could have been at home watching Dr Phil and finishing off the rest of the longnecks.
You would think that was the end of my good news right? Wrong! It gets better. I got my tax cheque back and decided to get married. I have 2 grand to spend on the best wedding EVER!!! The beer will be flowing and we will be eating the best damn pies and sausage rolls in the land.
Oh, and my brother Phil is going to make me a cheese cake for the wedding cake. Does it get any better than that?
More updates on the wedding soon.
tax cheque,
the bump,
Friday, May 16, 2008
Every grandmother should experience this
It's been awhile since my last update, I thought you guys might be desperate to find out how my son's little miracle is going.
Well. the bump is growing, growing real big. I can't believe how fast a little bump turns into a big bump. Bump is big, bump is good.
here is a picture of our bump:

Here are some of the 3D scan pics:

My brother Phil was so excited when I showed him the pics, he baked us a cake and on the top he wrote "Happy first scan". Phil is such a great brother, if he wasn't such a close relation I would be jumping his bones, I would be on him so fast, faster than a ferret on heat. Did I also mention how good a cook he is? His special sauce is to die for.
Oh, I must tell you a funny story about my future daughter in law. Because her bump is so big she finds it hard to see her feet. Well the other day I was at her place waiting for her to get ready because we were going shopping. She struggled to put on one jogger and then the phone rang. When she returned she picked up another jogger for the other foot and proceeded to struggle to put it on. While we were shopping I looked down at her feet to find that she had two different coloured joggers on, I chuckled to myself and didn't say a word, I didn't want to embarrass her. oh the joys of being pregnant and having a bump so big that you can't see your toes.
Stay tuned for more updates and pics.
Well. the bump is growing, growing real big. I can't believe how fast a little bump turns into a big bump. Bump is big, bump is good.
here is a picture of our bump:
Since my last update we went for our first scan. We decided to try out the 3D scan, these things are amazing. You can actually see what the baby looks like, I was very impressed. I was so thrilled to be part of the scan experience, every grandmother should experience it at least once in their life, it was totally amazing and I thank my future daughter in law for allowing me to be there. I can't wait to hold my wee little grandchild in the flesh. I have also been invited to be there at the birth, I can't wait for that.
Here are some of the 3D scan pics:
My brother Phil was so excited when I showed him the pics, he baked us a cake and on the top he wrote "Happy first scan". Phil is such a great brother, if he wasn't such a close relation I would be jumping his bones, I would be on him so fast, faster than a ferret on heat. Did I also mention how good a cook he is? His special sauce is to die for.
Oh, I must tell you a funny story about my future daughter in law. Because her bump is so big she finds it hard to see her feet. Well the other day I was at her place waiting for her to get ready because we were going shopping. She struggled to put on one jogger and then the phone rang. When she returned she picked up another jogger for the other foot and proceeded to struggle to put it on. While we were shopping I looked down at her feet to find that she had two different coloured joggers on, I chuckled to myself and didn't say a word, I didn't want to embarrass her. oh the joys of being pregnant and having a bump so big that you can't see your toes.
Stay tuned for more updates and pics.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
More on the bump
I had cause to visit the school today because my son had some unexplained absences, the little scamp must be truanting again. He takes after his father in that respect, god rest his soul, we buried him 3 years ago.
I entered the playground and there she was on playground duty. Her long blonde hair gently blowing in the light Autum breeze, her nice tight top outlining a nicely rounded firm breast with perky nipples sticking out like strawberries atop a bowl of icecream, her black tight fitting jeans covering long firm sensuous legs. It was then that i spotted it, the bump. An ever so small but still noticable bump. I love the bump, bumps are good.
We locked eyes. I motioned towards her while she started her movment towards me, she was strutting, strutting like a hot model on a catwalk. Heads were turning as she swayed her hips, I can now understand why my son chose her to plant his seed in.
She smiled and I smiled in return, she nodded and I gave her the all-knowing wink. We chatted for awhile, talking about the bump, pregnancy and how exciting it will be to be a grandmother. Then it came out of the blue, she asked me to attend the birth. I was ecstatic at the thought of seeing that well formed body fully naked and the joy of seeing my grandchild come into the world.
Phil rang me today to tell me he has created a new range of sauces to sell with his pies. He is very secretive about the incredients used, he said he stumbled apon a unique taste. When I find out what it is I will post it here, so stay tuned.
I am still not talking to Ann. I have a family party to go to this weekend and I hope she stays at home. I hate that bitch.
Today my neighbour Jenny tried to sell me lamingtons to support her bowls club. 6 for $8, what a rip off. I told her to fuck off because I can get them for free from Phil. that's one person that wont be getting the recipe to the special sauces, stupid old pensioners and their bowls donations.
Today was a good day. I will update again as the BUMP gets bigger. I love the bump, the bump is good.
I entered the playground and there she was on playground duty. Her long blonde hair gently blowing in the light Autum breeze, her nice tight top outlining a nicely rounded firm breast with perky nipples sticking out like strawberries atop a bowl of icecream, her black tight fitting jeans covering long firm sensuous legs. It was then that i spotted it, the bump. An ever so small but still noticable bump. I love the bump, bumps are good.
We locked eyes. I motioned towards her while she started her movment towards me, she was strutting, strutting like a hot model on a catwalk. Heads were turning as she swayed her hips, I can now understand why my son chose her to plant his seed in.
She smiled and I smiled in return, she nodded and I gave her the all-knowing wink. We chatted for awhile, talking about the bump, pregnancy and how exciting it will be to be a grandmother. Then it came out of the blue, she asked me to attend the birth. I was ecstatic at the thought of seeing that well formed body fully naked and the joy of seeing my grandchild come into the world.
Phil rang me today to tell me he has created a new range of sauces to sell with his pies. He is very secretive about the incredients used, he said he stumbled apon a unique taste. When I find out what it is I will post it here, so stay tuned.
I am still not talking to Ann. I have a family party to go to this weekend and I hope she stays at home. I hate that bitch.
Today my neighbour Jenny tried to sell me lamingtons to support her bowls club. 6 for $8, what a rip off. I told her to fuck off because I can get them for free from Phil. that's one person that wont be getting the recipe to the special sauces, stupid old pensioners and their bowls donations.
Today was a good day. I will update again as the BUMP gets bigger. I love the bump, the bump is good.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Grandma countdown
Today I found out am I going to be a grandmother for the first time. My son who is 15 is having a relationship with his teacher, well it's not his teacher but a teacher at his school no less, so I guess that makes it ok. I would be quite disgusted if it was one of his teachers.
Kids grow up so quick. It only seems like yesterday when I watched him enter the playground for the first time, Now he is a full grown man expecting his first child. My body is over flowing with emotion just thinking about the joy this baby will bring to my wee little man.
My brother phil was estatic when I rang him to tell him the news. Phil is a baker and owns his own pie shop and we often go there for free pies (his pies are outstanding and not to mention free). To think Phil always wanted to be a pilot as a child and now he owns his own shop, who would have thought?
I was going to ring my sister Ann and tell her the news but we don't talk anymore, not after that birthday party we had for aunt flo where Ann flashed her tits at my boyfriend. I swear that bitch wants to have sex with every man I date.
Now I'm rambling, aren't I? so I will finish this by saying "I will keep you updated".
Kids grow up so quick. It only seems like yesterday when I watched him enter the playground for the first time, Now he is a full grown man expecting his first child. My body is over flowing with emotion just thinking about the joy this baby will bring to my wee little man.
My brother phil was estatic when I rang him to tell him the news. Phil is a baker and owns his own pie shop and we often go there for free pies (his pies are outstanding and not to mention free). To think Phil always wanted to be a pilot as a child and now he owns his own shop, who would have thought?
I was going to ring my sister Ann and tell her the news but we don't talk anymore, not after that birthday party we had for aunt flo where Ann flashed her tits at my boyfriend. I swear that bitch wants to have sex with every man I date.
Now I'm rambling, aren't I? so I will finish this by saying "I will keep you updated".
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